Anirudh, who is making his debut as a music director with 3, couldn't have asked for a better start to his Kollywood career. For, Why This Kolaveri Di, the very first song of his first film, has now started winning awards, after having taken the nation by storm.
Yes, Kolaveri has just won the YouTube Gold award, which is presented to viral videos from across the world. Beams Anirudh, "It is true. The record label has received official intimation. I don't know if they will have a function to present the award but yes, Kolaveri has been chosen for the award."
And that's not all.
An article on the song, the lyrics of which have been penned by Dhanush, has also been featured in this edition of the Time magazine.
Get Anirudh to react to this piece of information and he smiles yet again. "I'm not sure about this fact but someone I know told me that it is after 20 years after it featured a story on Roja that the magazine is running such a story again," says Anirudh.
Roja? The similarities are hard to miss. Will he turn out to be another Rahman and Anirudh responds immediately, "Oh no, Rahman sir is my inspiration. I will happily retire if I manage to accomplish even five per cent of what Rahman sir has achieved. I'm just one song old and have a long way to go."
The song's success has lifted the spirits of the entire team of 3.
Tweeted Dhanush, "To all my north Indian Kolaveri fans, thanks for receiving a Tamil song with a warm heart and making it a global song. God bless."
Yes, Kolaveri has just won the YouTube Gold award, which is presented to viral videos from across the world. Beams Anirudh, "It is true. The record label has received official intimation. I don't know if they will have a function to present the award but yes, Kolaveri has been chosen for the award."
And that's not all.
An article on the song, the lyrics of which have been penned by Dhanush, has also been featured in this edition of the Time magazine.
Get Anirudh to react to this piece of information and he smiles yet again. "I'm not sure about this fact but someone I know told me that it is after 20 years after it featured a story on Roja that the magazine is running such a story again," says Anirudh.
Roja? The similarities are hard to miss. Will he turn out to be another Rahman and Anirudh responds immediately, "Oh no, Rahman sir is my inspiration. I will happily retire if I manage to accomplish even five per cent of what Rahman sir has achieved. I'm just one song old and have a long way to go."
The song's success has lifted the spirits of the entire team of 3.
Tweeted Dhanush, "To all my north Indian Kolaveri fans, thanks for receiving a Tamil song with a warm heart and making it a global song. God bless."
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