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Monday, 5 December 2011

Will Jagan serve a surprise punch?

The ruling Congress seems to be confident of getting through the no-confidence motion today without much of a hitch. Despite all the jockeying by various parties, the numbers still seem to favour Kiran Kumar Reddy government.
The ruling combine commands 162 MLAs on its side, while the opposition could muster only 124 MLAs as of now. The PRP threat passed off as a storm in a cup and the less than convincing attempt of TRS to provoke T Congress MLAs to vote against the government failed miserably.
The MIM, after the understanding reached over Hyderabad Mayor post, is all set to support the government.
Jagan is still making last ditch efforts to throw a surprise by continually talking to his group MLAs, many of whom have already declared their vote to the Congress Party. His reported attempts at luring some T Congress MLAs yielded little result.
While Kiran’s government is under no threat of losing on the floor, the no-confidence is still generating lot of interest because of any unexpected developments in the Jagan camp. Even if a few Jagan MLAs vote for the motion, it would indeed trigger important political developments in the state, as by-polls would be necessitated, and Jagan’s YSR Congress will have an opportunity to prove its mettle in the electoral arena.
It is also to be seen who Lok Satta Jayaprakash Narayan, Associate Member Somarapu Satyanarayana (issued a Congress whip and Sobha Nagireddy (earlier PRP and now a Jagan loyalist) will vote for.

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